Schedule of Services
Join our community
Our Sunday services are geared to people of all ages and all backgrounds. We come together as a community to strengthen, guide and support one another, in our daily lives. For those who wish to join us, our congregation is always waiting with open hearts.
Family Service 1st Sunday of each Month 9.45am
We celebrate the start of each month with a family service on the first Sunday of the Month. This is a lovely upbeat service for the whole family. We sing upbeat music with a live band and we just know you will feel uplifted afterwards. Why not come along for yourself and see, we would love to meet new faces and you're always welcome to stay and enjoy a cuppa and chat after the service to.

Holy Communion 2nd and 4th week of each Month 9.45am
Faith club for children - Sunday School
This service is for anyone who would like to come for Holy Communion, a blessing or just to see the service. All are welcome and we are just happy you would like to join us, why not stay after the service for a cuppa, a sweet treat and chat and see what our church community has to offer. For children while this service is on we also offer our Sunday School - Faith Club, This runs upstairs at the same time as Holy Communion the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month.

Informal Service - 3rd week of each Month
This is as it says, an informal service where all are welcome to join us, from new people just exploring what the church has to offer, to our regular congregation. we would love to welcome you to St Matthew's Church where you will soon become part of our church family.

Faith Club - Sunday School
Faith Club - where we have fun and learn about the key values of being a Christian, from games, competitions, bible reading, art and crafting and so much more. Why not come and join in with the other children and make new friends along the way. We cant wait to see you.
Sundays 2nd and 4th week of each Month - parents must stay in church while children are in Faith Club upstairs
Service Times
Informal worship - 17th March 9.45am
Holy communion - 24th March 9.45am
Easter sunday - 31st March 9.45am
Family Service - 7th April 9.45am
Holy Communion - 14th April 9.45am
Informal worship - 21st April 9.45am
Holy Communion - 28th April 9.45am
Family Service - 5th May 9.45am